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Pretty awesome game!

(1 edit) (+1)


Just wanted to say that I loved this game so much that I got fight n rage
Really love it


Glad you like it! Thank you for buying FnR! =D

wow great game :D


Great game,done a video for my channel 

Thank you!, you're playing a version made for Fake8, a retroarch core that mimics original Pico-8. I suggest you to play the Pico-8 version when you can, becuase it sounds and looks a bit better. =)

This is


awesome thing

um ótimo jogo

Absolutely adore this. Definitely going to be playing this on and off

Just so I know I'm not missing any moves, you only have your 3 hit combo, a jump kick and parry right ?

Anyway, love the impact on the hits. I haven't gotten the timing on the parries yet perfectly, but it feels great to pull off

I think my only complaint is that it's a little hard to tell enemies and the player apart from all the chaos at times

But otherwise, absolutely amazing stuff here


There's another move. You can press down+attack in mid-air to do a knee that can be cancelable into jump kick (not pressing down+attack).

amazing work bro !

Me and my son played the game, though died a lot haha. Was fun =D keep up the great work and left a follow!

Was the final hit of the combo inspired by burn knuckle?

Nope, it's just a kind of "superman punch". =)

this is really fun! how on earth do I parry lol

You must press left of right (not mashing) a bit earlier than enemy attacks you.

oh ok :)

Great and fun to play game !! 

If may suggest something add a non so secret achievement "El Daigo Parry" for whoever does 15 parrys in a row. Thanks for such a fun game. 

Nice lil game! Made my break on work today haha


You have just pushed pico8 beatemups to the next level with this! Great work!

with PICO?!?!!!!? but how ?!? amazing

Que grande!

(1 edit) (+1)

Very well done & fun to play -  congrats!

Tremendo juego, enhorabuena

This plays amazingly well! fantastic work

Any chance the pico-8 cart could be added to the downloads?

I also came here to ask this

It's ready! Enjoy! =)


Done! Check the downloads! =)

Jugando esto me dieron ganas de volver a jugar Fight'N Rage.

Muy buen juego, gracias por esta joyita

Muchas gracias! Me alegro que te haya gustado!

This game is great. Plays well on my desktop as well as on my Pixel4A's Web browser. Ran into an issue on Steamdeck where punch and kick were not mapped.  However I was able to circumvent the issue by adding it to my Steam library and running it through Steam.

Going to have fun working towards the 1CC during my breaks at work!

Thanks Seba


Glad you like it!
I tried to make an enjoyable game for very short sessions!

A masterpiece 👌🏾 

glad you like it! =)